Wednesday, June 13, 2007

My first entry...

I've been wanting to do this for yonks!!! I have heaps of books around my house that contain pieces of me, but i never seem to be able to keep it up or find the book or have the book wen i want it, so i'm giving blogging a try....

I realise this is goin to be random and erratic and i'll probably never let anyone read it cause knowing me and wen i'm down or in a bad mood, it will get dark and depressing and i know that people can't handle that unless they themselves are detached... in which cause its pointless for me.

Tomorrow i have to wake early and STUDY. I HAVE TO MAKE MYSELF TO DO IT... my exam is in 4 days.... and i, myself have detached from the situation and can no longer feel or stress or feel real but i know that my anxiety will hit me and i'll feel crap and this stupid state my psyci is in will collapse and i'll be freaks.... yes knowing or thinking of what i have to expect in relation to a form of breakdown scares me.... who knows, maybe writing this blog will help me unclutter my head or may be in the future, i can look back and see the person i was.... like i wish i could see the person i was wen i rememeber in general been happy and content... i wish i had a record of that person, i wish i could remember that person properally and meet, even be that person again, a person who isn't alone....

Sweet dreams, *mwah*


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