Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Horse Brownie/Cake

My Brownie Horse

With a chocolate icing skin, light drizzled chocolate icing mane, a marshmallow eye ball, a black sweet pupil, roll up reins, a hoop lollie clasp, and a black jelly bean nose.
The horse was a prototype for a horse cake for a friends nieces 3rd b'day. I agreed to make a doll cake but then got told she wanted a horse cake. I freaked!!! thinking it would be way too hard but luckily with google, i found the below image and lots of inspiration. Don't ask me why, but in my head, a horse cake had to be 3d and if not, defiantly had to have fondant.. which i suck at dealing with!!!

My inspiration for the brownie. The actual cake is going to be a yellow horse with a white mane... still cute... especially for a 3 year old, but me personally, i still like my brownie horses colouring much better.
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